Why Attend the Crown Institute of Theology?

Why Attend Crown Institute 

  1. You want to dig deep into the Scripture and understand it from a Biblical (exegesis-hermeneutics) and Theological viewpoints. You love studying the Word. Crown Institute is built upon the premise that we are transformed through personal revelation of Scripture by the confirming ministry of the Holy Spirit.
  2. You desire a school that is grounded in the revelation of the present and advancing kingdom (Victorious Eschatology) and the principles of New Covenant life.   
  3. You want to be trained how to discern different theologies, to think for yourselves and be able to teach others. 
  4. You want a School that is affordable.  
  5. You would like to be part of a “Kingdom Think Tank” (Available to all graduates).
  6. You desire to be trained for spiritual leadership.
  7. You want a Degree; to finish what you started.   

If you have questions about Crown Institute please Contact us  

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