The Function of the Apostolic (810)

What This Course is All About

The Function of the Apostolic builds upon the previous class and digs deep into the apostle’s purpose in God’s design for the church. How does the apostle relate to the local church? Should apostles pastor a church? Should all apostles cover local churches and what does that mean? Is there an office of an apostle or is it a ministry?

Course Teacher: Dr. Martin Trench

Required Textbook

Modern-Day Apostles: Operating in Your Apostolic Office and Anointing by Ché Ahn


1. Watch to Videos
2. Read Modern-Day Apostles: Operating in Your Apostolic Office and Anointing by Che Ahn
3. Write 3-4 pages on the function of Apostolic ministry.  Address topics as: “What are the primary tasks of Apostles? What is your understanding of ‘Apostolic Covering? ‘Where should the finances come from to support the ‘Apostolic Ministry? ‘What do you see as your personal vision for your ‘Apostolic Ministry?” 

Apostolic Ministry