Systematic and Biblical Theology I (506) Part I – Christology

What This Course is All About

Systematic and Biblical Theology I is the study of the Son of God and his redemption of humanity. Who is this Jewish Messiah and what was his message? Is Jesus king now or are we waiting for his coronation? How does God redeem us from the captivity of sin, death and satan? Students will learn different historical atonement theories and then focus on two; Penal Substitution and Christus Victor. How should we view the life and death of Jesus when seen through the lens of the new covenant? Does a biblical Christology demand a victorious eschatology? With volumes of books on Jesus and his salvation can there be anything left to say? Yes, fresh understanding of the faith given to the saints in the first century is flowing into the church. It is time to visit these glorious themes again.

Course Teacher: Stan Newton


  1. Read in Renewal Theology, (Williams) Book One Page 342-352
  2. Read Eberle pages 477-580
  3. Read Article #1
  4. Read Article #2 and write out short definitions of the words in RED.
  5. Read Article #3
  6. Listen to the Videos
  7. Write 2-3 pages on the subject “Christology and Eschatology”
